Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Ch. 12: Cry Of The Hunters


In the end, the boys fortunately get rescued by a naval officer.  Ironically, he came to the island because he saw the smoke and that was what Ralph kept telling the boys on the island they needed to create.  They, however, only cared about hunting.  Although I am glad they all got saved, I do not think the other boys should have got saved because they became so savage-like.  Furthermore, they all begin to hunt Ralph for no real reason before they are rescued.  Luckily he does not die though.  Overall, I am glad Ralph got saved in the end.

Ch. 11: Castle Rock


After reading this chapter I think there is no turning back for the boys now.  For one, they deliberately killed Piggy, which is the second death so far.  Also, they begin to attack Ralph who is lucky enough to escape into the forest by himself.  However, I do not think Ralph will survive much longer on his own.  Moreover, I think the boys are beginning to forget more and more about the real world and instead only thinking of killing.  As a result, I think there is going to be more deaths in the future.

This video shows how the boys started out as civilized & now have turned into
 what they are now; savages

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Ch. 10: The Shell And The Glasses


After reading this chapter, I think all boys future on the island are not looking good.  For one, they are still split up into two groups.  Also, none of them except Ralph admit that they killed Simon.  Instead they say it was an accident, try to forget it happened, or say it was actually the beast who disguised himself.  Lastly, Jacks group stole Piggy's glasses, so they know can start fires.  To me this is not good because they will probably loose control of themselves and start the island on fire.  All in all, I do not think the boys will survive much longer if they keep acting this way.

This was the reason Jack's tribe attacked Ralph's group; to get Piggy's glasses

Ch. 9: A View To A Death


Any last hopes of being civilized people have all been erased and replaced by savage instincts.  This happened because Jack has created his own tribe that most of the boys joined simply because it seems more fun.  However, this is causing them to forget about the rules they created and making them begin acting more and more barbaric.  For example, they all end up killing Simon because they mistake him for the beast.  In my opinion, this shows that they now have become full out savages since they killed one of their own people. Also, I find it hard to believe that they never noticed the person they were attacking was actually one of them.  Overall, I predict this will only be the start of the deaths among the boys.

This picture shows the aftermath of what happened when the boys
mistaked Simon for the beast.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Ch. 8: Gift For The Darkness


The boys have now split into two groups; one with Ralph as the chief and one with Jack as the chief.  This is not good because now the boys are not working together anymore.  As a result, they only care about themselves so to start a fire Jack's group steals sticks from Ralph's group expectantly.  In addition, more and more of the boys are starting to join Jack's group because they think he has more fun and better food.  To me, this will cause more fighting among the boys and make them more savage-like like Jack.  On the other hand Simon starts to hear voices from a dead pig head known as the Lord of the Flies.  In my opinion, this head represents the beast and evil that exists in every person which is starting to come out in all the boys.

    This picture shows the pig that the hunters killed & sacrificed for the beast.  Also, Simon                             later finds himself talking to the head when he is alone in the forest.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Ch. 7: Shadows and Tall Trees


It is clear that the boys are drifting more and more away from civilization and their old ways to savagery.  For example, while looking for the beast the boys become distracted with looking for a pig.  Furthermore, they all become a little to entertained with killing the pig that they reenact it.  Even Ralph, who seemed like the most civil one, got caught up in the moment.  As a result, they started attacking and hurting one the boys acting as a pig until they realized they were just playing a game.  This shows how the boys are becoming more like savages and starting to attack their own kind.  Overall, I think this will lead to one of the boys getting hurt while they are playing another "game".

Monday, May 14, 2012

Ch. 6: Beast From Air


This chapter shows how the fear of the beast is growing among the boys on the island.  Personally, I do not believe the beast is real, however, the twins claim it tried to attack them.  As a result, the boys set out on an expedition to search for the supposed beast.  Of course the boys become a little distracted along the way and Ralph has to remind them of their mission and about keeping the fire going.  In my opinion, the boys will not find any beast on the mountain, but instead a parachute that dropped on the island from the battle in the sky.  Once they do actually find the parachute though, I think they will try to use it to escape the island.  Furthermore, they may think someone else is on the island now and try to hunt them down.

This picture shows the parachute that fell onto the island in the night

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Ch. 5: Beast From Water


I think the boys are now starting to disobey Ralph more and more and follow Jack instead. For example, none of the boys ever do what they say they will when it comes to building the shelters, getting water, or keeping the fire going, Also, all the boys follow after Jack when he leaves the meeting except Piggy, Ralph, and Simon. In my opinion, this is not good because Jack is becoming more crazy and barbaric while Ralph is trying to make the best of their situation. As a result, if the boys follow Jack they will become more like him which would not be good. All in all, I predict that Jack will soon overpower Ralph and become the leader of the group.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Ch. 4: Painted Faces And Long Hair


In my opinion, this chapter helps reveal some of the boy’s true colors.  For example, Jack shows that he only cares about hunting and killing a pig rather than admitting he should have kept the fire going instead.  Jack also reveals an obsessive and barbaric side of himself because he can not stop talking about killing the pig and thinking how great it was to kill it.  Also, the older boys show that they think they are better than the younger ones since they destroyed their sand castles and bullied them.  Overall, a lot of the boy’s personalities are starting to come out which reveal what they really are like.   

This reminds me of how Jack is obsessed with trying to kill a pig.  In addition, it shows how he represents evil & death

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Ch. 3: Huts On The Beach


After reading this chapter, it is obvious tensions between all of the boys are growing.  For one, the work is not being distributed evenly which is not fair.  For example, none of the younger boys do much work and are not punished for slaking off.  In addition, the hunters only focus on hunting and nothing else.  As a result, nothing is getting done and many people are getting angry because of that.  This is evident when Jack and Ralph can not see eye to eye on which one of their tasks are more important.  In my opinion, however, the boys should work on building the shelters instead because they can eat fruits for now.  In conclusion, I think  things are only going to get worse for the boys unless everyone puts in their equal share of work.

This picture shows the shelters the boys tried to build but failed at because no one was helping build them so they kept falling down

Ch. 2: Fire On The Mountain


In this chapter it is shown how the boys face their problems.  In my opinion, it seems they just follow their instincts and do not pay attention to the consequences of their actions.  This is shown when Ralph says they need to start a fire and all the boys immediately rush away without directions.  In addition, when they are faced with the problem of how to start the fire, they do not talk among themselves, but just act.  As a result, they just take Piggy's glasses without even asking him which is kind of mean.  In the end, the consequences of their actions lead to a missing boy.  All in all, I think the boys need more rules and need to listen better.

This picture shows how the boys got out of control while they were starting the fire & let it spread to the forest.

Ch. 1: The Sound of The Shell


After reading this chapter, a lot about the boys can be determined.  For one, they do not seem worried or scared that they are alone on a deserted island.  Also, I think there will be conflicts over power since Jack also wanted to be the leader of the boys but lost.  However, Jack seems to have a lot of control over the choir boys since they do what he says and now he is their leader as a hunter.  On the other hand, Ralph is not a perfect leader either because he betrayed Piggy's trust by telling everyone his secret of being called Piggy.  Overall, I think the struggle for power will end up causing lots of problems in the future. 

This song reminds me of the character Piggy because he is big, he wore glasses instead of a wig, and people call him a piggy